Thursday, April 23, 2009

Book review

Great! I'm nearly half way there. :)

I have done pretty much everything I wanted to do in previous weeks so just finished up this week by changing the Learning 2.0 Wiki and taking another quick look at Technorati - which is something I am very glad to know about and will be using out of personal interest in the future.

When on Technorati I had a look at the popular books being blogged about and was pretty much disgusted at what people are reading. Half the books are about credit cards and money - Hello people! Don't overspend and you'll be fine! And there is even one on how to increase your ranking on a Google search, Get to
the top on Google. (see left)

My problem here is how insanely easy it is to increase your Google ranking. I could sum it up in about 5 sentences, yet someone has managed to write an entire book on the subject. I am astounded!

Anyway, I think that's enough ranting for now. To the stacks!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are enjoying the course - don't forget to blog about what you are learning each week.
